Its all in the mind. That is what I have to say regarding this recession thing. Recently I caught up with an uncle of mine who kind off looked sad on the day of his son’s wedding. On prodding him to speak on, he told me the reason. Most of his invited subordinates had to be given the sacking orders next morning. Couldn’t have been a tougher thing to do for someone who is passionate about emotions/relations. Today I say come to my son’s wedding with your family and have your fill. Tomorrow I say find some other job to feed your family. Some might have felt good that now the effect of
Some famous economists might show previously dated articles where they might have predicted this but all that is crap. There are just two ways for it too go, UP UP UP or DOWN DOWN DOWN. So there is hell a lot of chance of one’s guesses going right. Had my blog been functional before, I too would have had made an accurate estimate using my solid foundation and understanding of the World’s economics ( sad that my non laughable jokes never find any takers).
Though I guess its all about investor confidence. Recession might send you down from a car to a scooter or a bicycle if you have really bad days but things never remain the same so say with me,
WE SHALL OVERCOME ONE DAY (hum honge kaamyab ek din).